Acciona and the Battle for Control of Endesa
Acciona, S.A. is a global infrastructure and renewable energy conglomerate that is publicly traded in Spain and controlled by the Entrecanales family. In 2006, the company joined the highly politicized cross-border takeover battle for Spain's largest electric utility, Endesa, by acquiring a 10% stake that it subsequently built up to 21%. Other interested suitors were E.ON and Enel, the largest electric utilities in Germany and Italy, respectively. In March 2007, Acciona's executive chairman Jose Manuel Entrecanales is considering three strategic alternatives: tendering its shares--and realizing a capital gain of 1.2 billion euros, 13% of Acciona's market capitalization; holding out as a strategic but minority shareholder in Endesa; or negotiating an agreement with Enel and/or E.ON.