Fighting the Battle of the Bulge-Evaluating Innovations in Morbid Obesity Treatment
Which innovation for solving health care problems of cost, quality, and access is likely to do the most good for society and to be the best business? In this case, the issue is that of obesity. This case introduces the Three Pillars that comprise the Innovating in Health Care (Herzlinger, Wiley, 2021) analytic framework for answering these questions: Pillar One: Identifying the type of Innovation Pillar Two: Aligning the Six Factors in the environment with the innovation Pillar Three: Creating the Business Model elements of the innovation This case enables students to evaluate which of a wide series of health care innovations will do the most good -- help society -- and the most well -- succeed as a self-sustaining enterprise. Battle of the Bulge describes all the major innovative remedies for morbid obesity -- pharmaceutical, behavioral, apps, support and counseling, Weight Watchers, packaged food, surgery, and consumer diets. It focuses on what these innovations can do. Dr. Dean Ornish, who designed an effective low calorie, low fat, lifestyle diet, can learn from them. Dr. Ornish's diet is highly regarded but not widely disseminated. Most students are highly familiar with obesity and the medical and economic problems it causes but have not thought about how to create the innovations that do the most good and the most well.