NBCUniversal Telemundo: Transforming Latino Television
In August 2017, Cesar Conde, chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, considered how the Miami-based Spanish-language TV network Telemundo could succeed in a rapidly shifting media landscape. Over the past few years, Telemundo had prioritized high production value original programming and made significant gains on its Spanish-language rival Univision as well as the four biggest U.S. broadcasters. By 2017, Internet-distributed programming was competing for viewer attention, and Conde wondered how Telemundo could successfully maintain and attract viewers lured to new platforms. Despite the rapid growth in the size and buying power of the Hispanic market, many advertisers considered Spanish-language TV a niche marketing venue. How could Conde convince more advertisers that Telemundo was an effective way to reach this increasingly influential market?