アナリストのジレンマ (A)
投資銀行のある若いアナリストが親友の秘密保持の権利を尊重する道義上の義務と、自分の雇用主への義務のどちらかを選ばねばならない倫理的ジレンマに直面していた。 A young investment banker returns home one night to find that her roommate and best friend has been laid off from Universal Bank because Universal is shutting down its capital finance group. Her roommate makes her promise to keep this information confidential because the news is not to be disclosed to the market for several days. The protaganist knows, however, that Universal's capital finance group is collaborating with her own investment bank on a leveraged buyout deal and that Universal's withdrawal could have potentially disastrous ramifications for the deal if her own investment bank is not notified immediately. She must decide whether to break her promise to her friend or to remain silent and expose her own company to great risk.