1990年、ビジネスウィーク社は携帯電話会社に管理情報システムとキャリア間ネットワークサービスを供給しているエイペックスをアメリカで最も急成長しているハイテク企業と評した。1988年、管理・統制を導入するために新しいCEOとして招かれたシガー・ゴーシュは、当時の同社に欠けていた「管理」と「組織構造」を行った。彼は前職で培った専門分野である組織構造、どうしたらすばやく対応する組織の作り方のアイデアでいっぱいだった。 1990 Business Week named Appex Corp. the fastest growing high-technology company in the United States. Appex provided management information systems and intercarrier network services to cellular telephone companies. During its rapid growth, the company went through several structural changes. At first, there was essentially no structure and no control systems. The atmosphere at Appex eventually became chaotic. As the new CEO, Shikhar Ghosh realized that Appex needed some structure and bureaucracy. Once control was established, he reasoned, he could begin to break down the structure. Much of the structural change he implemented had advantages and disadvantages in terms of company culture and productivity. In 1991, Appex was acquired by EDS. Appex's challenge now was to work out its own structure in the context of its role as a division of a large, bureaucratic organization.