ゼネラル・ダイナミクス: 報酬と戦略(A)
ウィリアム・アンダーズは、1991年に巨大軍需企業であるゼネラル・ダイナミクスのCEOに就任した。この年には冷戦も終了しつつあり、業界全体が過剰な生産能力を抱えるようになっていた。同社が株主の期待に応えておらず、企業文化の大幅な改革を必要としている様子を見て、アンダーズは経営陣を刷新して、新たな報酬制度を導入した。この制度は、マネジャーと株主の利益とをより密接に関連づけるものだった。特に議論を呼んだのは、株価連動利益分配制度で、これにより株価が10ドル上がるごとに、キャッシュで巨額のボーナスが支払われた。この仕組みは、一時解雇や事業売却の発表により意図的に株価を操作して、トップ経営層が利益を得たとして広く批判されることになった。それでも1991年末までに株価は113%上昇し、その年の間に株主価値は12億ドルの増加を示した。 William Anders became CEO of defense giant General Dynamics in 1991 as the Cold War was ending and as the industry became saddled with excess capacity. Observing that the company was underserving shareholders and required a massive change in its culture, Anders brought in a new management team and introduced a new compensation system that better aligned the interests of managers and shareholders. Particularly controversial was the Gain/Sharing system, which paid large cash bonuses for each $10 increase in the stock price. The plan was widely criticized for rewarding top executives for manipulating stock prices through public announcements of layoffs and divestitures. Still, by the end of 1991, the stock price had climbed 113%, representing a $1.2 billion increase in shareholder wealth during the year. Teching Purpose: This case can serve several purposes. First, it provides an introduction to executive compensation. Second, it highlights the importance of linking incentives and corporate strategy in the context of a declining industry. Finally, the case can motivate discussions of downsizing and unemployment and the merits of rewarding top executives for cutting excess capacity.