ピーター・ブラウニングと コンチネンタル・ホワイト・キャップ (A)
シカゴを本拠地とするコンチネンタル・グループのピーター・ブラウニングは、問題を抱えていた部門を5年で立て直すことに成功した後、グループ内で最も業績の高い部門の副社長兼執行責任者に就任した。差し迫った競争危機に直面し、温情主義的な経営から変革の必要性を経営者や従業員に訴えながら、効率的かつ柔軟な経営で変化する市況に対応できるようにしていかなければならなかった。 Presents a new divisional vice president's entry into a well-established and still successful manufacturing organization which is nevertheless facing an impending competitive crisis. Demonstrates his challenge and his efforts, under pressure from corporate headquarters, to convince his staff that the crisis is real and to make changes in the organization's family culture and practice, in order to better position them to face the onslaught of price wars and new technology. Concludes with several complex choices facing the new vice president as he considers whether or not to replace some key but problematic senior managers, and what strategy to adopt in his relations with the retired but still visible descendant of the firm's founder.