HCLテクノロジーズ (A)
1970年代にハードウェア会社として設立されたHCLテクノロジーズは、2005年4月、ヴィニート・ナイアーが社長に就任した当時、収益37億ドル、時価総額51億ドルの企業に成長し続けていた。多くの競合他社と同じように、バリューチェーンの上流へとシフトさせたいと願っていたヴィニートは3段階から成る変革戦略を立案した。 When Vineet Nayar became president of HCL Technologies, a global IT services business, in April 2005, he knew the company needed drastic change. Since its founding as a hardware company in the 1970s, HCL had grown into an enterprise with $3.7 billion in revenues and a market capitalization of $5.1 billion. The company had 41,000 employees in 11 countries, but it was ill-prepared for the increasingly competitive market. With the shift from hardware to software and services, HCL had slipped behind its Indian competitors and multinational companies. Details the first phase of the transformation Nayar led in hopes of rejuvenating the industry pioneer. The tagline for this phase was "Employee First, Customer Second."