2013年半ば、テスラモーターズは成功の波に乗っていた。本格的な量産車「モデルS」を初めて発売し、それが大絶賛されて、初年度生産目標を引き上げたばかりであった。そして次なる製品の「モデルX」の注文も受け始めた。テスラは懐疑論者たちに挑戦を挑み、完全な電気自動車を発売することで、第二次世界大戦後、量産車で自動車業界への参入を成功させる初めての米国企業となれるであろうか。 To maximize their effectiveness, color cases should be printed in color. In mid-2013, Tesla Motors was riding a wave of success: It had launched its first really mass-produced car - the model S - to rave reviews; had recently raised first-year production targets; and had started taking orders for its next car, the Model X. Tesla seemed to be on its way to defying the skeptics and becoming the first US company to enter the car industry with a mass-produced car since WWII and the first to successfully launch a fully electric car. Or was it not?