2004年秋、サウスウェスト航空の本社があるテキサス州ラブフィールドに心躍るようなニュースが舞い込んできた。サウスウェスト航空の主要な競合の一つであるデルタ航空が、隣接するダラス・フォートワース国際空港でのサービスを劇的に削減し、毎日のフライトの数を250便からわずか21便にすると発表したのだった。サウスウェスト航空のCEOに新しく就任したばかりのゲイリー・ケリーは、この到来した素晴らしいチャンスに対して考えを巡らせていた。サウスウェスト航空はどのようにすればこのデルタ航空の撤退を最も自社の収益につなげられるのだろうか? The fall of 2004 brought exciting news to Love Field, the Texas headquarters of Southwest Airlines. Delta Airlines, one of Southwest's main competitors, had announced that it would dramatically decrease service from the nearby Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW) airport, cutting the number of daily flights from 250 to a mere 21. Gary Kelly, Southwest's newly minted CEO, thought about what appeared to be a golden opportunity. How could Southwest best capitalize on Delta's withdrawal? As Kelly saw it, Southwest had several options to pursue the new business opportunities. A first was to service the canceled Delta routes from Love Field. A second possibility was to encourage members of Congress to repeal the Wright Amendment, which limited Southwest's flight offerings from Love Field. An alternative to fighting for the repeal of the Wright Amendment was for Southwest to lease the 18 gates that Delta had left at DFW. Kelly carefully considered his options. Was now the time to call his lobbyist?