親友であったアップルコンピュータ共同創業者のスティーブ・ジョブズとスティーブ・ウォズニアック。ウォズニアックは、Hewlett-Packardで大好きな仕事を辞めてApple Computerに入社するかどうか、Apple内での彼の役割をどのように定義するか、Jobsを共同創設者として引き受けるかどうか、Jobsが提案した3人目の共同創設者を受け入れるかどうかという決定に直面していた。 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are best friends who enjoy pulling pranks together and talking about electronics. After several small collaborations, Jobs pitches Wozniak on starting a company together to sell computers based on Wozniak's design for a personal computer. Wozniak faces decisions about whether to quit the job he loves at Hewlett-Packard to join Apple Computer, how to define his role within Apple, whether to take on Jobs as his co-founder, whether to accept a third co-founder proposed by Jobs, and how to split equity with his co-founders. Early on, they add an outside investor who changes the company's trajectory and who brings in a new chief executive. Later, tensions rise between the two founders as their strategic visions diverge and as the company grows. Wozniak has now learned some disturbing news about his co-founder and has to decide whether that news will affect his continuing collaboration with Jobs.