International Service Learning in the Business Curriculum: Toward an Ethic of Empathy in a Global Economy
In the context of business education, International Service Learning (ISL) programs introduce students to social responsibility and help them develop a sense of solidarity with individuals living in a different context from their own. But even ISL programs that strive for reciprocity and co-create projects with community partners still reinforce a microcosm of the power asymmetries present in the global economy. As an alternative to traditional ISL models involving direct service, I propose a model of ISL that eliminates the direct service component and instead emphasizes listening and learning abroad. In this model, local knowledge is the expert, allowing students to develop a sense of solidarity with those from a context different from their own and then engage in advocacy in their home country. In this article, I present a current course-Marketing for Social Change: The Uganda Project-as an example of the alternative ISL model designed to address the structural inequalities and wealth disparities brought by globalization.