Pacari: Premium Organic Chocolate
This case uses Pacari, a medium-sized Ecuadorian company whose chocolate bars have won multiple international quality awards, to illustrate the global value chain of the chocolate industry, as well as to compare business models pursued in Ecuador in order to determine which ones create more economic, social and environmental well-being in an emerging country. It starts by describing its founders' concern about Pacari's contribution to changing Ecuador's cacao industry landscape, helping farmers escape poverty and overcoming the traditional hurdles that hindered exports of value-added products in a country largely reliant on commodity exports. Pacari principals wonder if it is convenient for the company to change its business model to have a stronger impact on its sector. The case begins with a dilemma regarding retail management: should Pacari open wholly-owned stores? A significant industry player has made this choice and seems to be reaping fruitful results. Pacari's maturity apparently justifies such a move, which might potentially help it to expand the market and rake in more resources to continue supporting farmers' development. However, this option might also endanger the company's financial health, forcing it to incur high fixed costs. This decision cannot be made without a thorough understanding of the global chocolate industry and the business models coexisting in Ecuador. The key goal of this case is to lead class participants to think about the purpose of private companies in today's society. In a world growingly aware of the need for environmental care and fair global value chains, business leaders must balance economic, environmental, and social demands. Pacari provides an example of a business approach that does not prioritize short-term financial results, focusing instead on improving the conditions of value chain players in Ecuador and the country's positioning as a world leader in the premium dark chocolate segment. BALAS's case collection.