The Domestic and Foreign Expansion of SMART FIT Challenges to the Sustainability of an Innovative Model in the Fitness Industry
After experiences in managing a clothing business and a family-run sugar mill, Edgard Corona (hereinafter "Corona") had a ski accident that wound up changing his life. He founded Smart Fit - a fitness center based on a value-oriented model that has achieved remarkable growth in a short period. The company, established in Brazil in 2009, by the end of 2017 had more than 1.5 million members in six Latin American markets and ranked as the absolute industry leader in the continent and the fourth largest gym chain in the world. Smart Fit's mission was to provide everyone with access to high-level physical activity - "to democratize high-end fitness". However, the model seemed easy to copy - so Smart Fit management decided to develop a package of customer features and expand rapidly. In addition, Smart Fit faced new competing business models, for example, a new smartphone platform that gave users entry to clubs located in Latin America, Europe and United States. Corona feared that intense and rapid expansion might risk customer satisfaction. Indeed, overseas expansion strained the company's financial and managerial resources. However, the question remained: Should Smart Fit devote continued efforts to sustain its high-growth path in Brazil and abroad? BALAS's case collection