Growing Plant Care
Plant Care develops biological pesticides and fertilizers for plant protection. It is a business unit of Lallemand (headquarters in Canada) and is constituted by two companies: Ithec, located in France, and Verdera, located in Finland. The case describes how the managers of Plant Care are currently in the process of deciding whether they should expand abroad, to how many countries, and at what speed. Despite the fact that the biological pesticide and fertilizer industries present many growth opportunities, and despite Plant Care's success in France and Finland, the decision to expand abroad is complex, due to factors that include a lack of foreign experience, lack of abundant financial resources, constraints imposed by headquarters, etc. First of all, students have to decide whether Plant Care should expand abroad or not. If yes, they have to decide how quickly it should expand and the timing of the foreign market entry. Finally, students are required to put themselves in the shoes of the divisional managers at headquarters. How much managerial and financial autonomy should headquarters give to Plant Care?