Swisscom Ventures Digital Transformation Fund: CVC's Pitch For the Future
The case is designed to prompt considerations of the advantages and disadvantages of accepting external money from institutional investors into the corporate venture capital fund (CVC) for Swisscom. Our protagonist Dominique Megret, the head of the CVC, is placed in a situation which exposes him to c-suite pressures which test his ability and conviction to argue his selected path. The historical analysis showed patterns of initial vs follow-up investments, and the strategic horizon of the investments which essentially set out to support Swisscom's growth intentions. Organic internal options are mentioned as alternatives. As the financial means to continue to invest are limited by Swisscom, the company sets out to find external partners to co-invest - at the time an unusual path towards keeping growth options option. Megret has to convince his board that this is a good option for Swisscom.