The Vanguard Group
In 2019, The Vanguard Group with $5.1 trillion in assets under management was the largest global provider of mutual funds, and the second largest provider of EXCHANGE traded funds after BlackRock, which had $6.3 trillion in assets under management. The case is set in 2019 with Vanguard's CEO Tim Buckley as the protagonist. He is facing several challenges: 1) Vanguard's traditional cost leadership strategy built on its lowest expense ratio in the industry (and a strategic activity system supporting it) has been mitigated by its competitors; 2) Vanguard has been a laggard in technology adoption and the use of sophisticated IT systems and AI; 3) With the rise of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), many question whether Vanguard's philosophy of passive long-term investments is still appealing to younger customers; and 4) Vanguard is mainly a U.S. domestic player, while many of its competitors are globally active.