Best Buy Co., Inc.
In June 2019, Best Buy appointed Corie Barry as new CEO. Her predecessor, CEO Hubert Joly, had successfully tackled BBY's two main problems-declining comps and margins-and engineered a financial turnaround within his first five years on the job. Despite its surviving as a retailer, Best Buy and Corie Barry confront multiple challenges. Best Buy is still a predominantly bricks-and-mortar store with an online presence (just 20.9 percent of sales are generated online in 2018 compared to 17 percent in 2015). Additionally, the United States is no longer the world's largest consumer retail market, and Best Buy has retreated to North America after failing to expand to China and Europe. Further, consumer electronics are caught within trade disputes between China and the United States. Under Joly, Best Buy balanced providing differentiated service with trained staff at competitive prices involves. However, Corie Barry needs to consider whether that balance can be maintained going forward, or whether Best Buy needs to further adapt.