Up, Up, and Away! Event Planning and Production in Las Vegas
Event producer Dan Nelson is faced with a crisis involving a punctured sprinkler water line and a 1.5-ton forklift stuck in the resulting mud during set up for an event for 350 attendees taking place that evening. The event is to be held outdoors on the driving range of a Las Vegas resort's golf course on the famous Las Vegas Strip. Dealing with the resort's catering staff and various contractors, Nelson must now create alternatives on-the-fly for dealing with the crisis during the implementation phase of this event, make a quick decision, and implement an alternative under time pressure. The case provides opportunities for: (1) assessing potential risk and crisis management issues pertaining to a particular event and compiling suggestions for closing gaps; (2) using various decision tools (GANTT chart, project management software, EMBOK model) to aid in crisis management, and ultimately, decision making; (3) identifying event stakeholders and managing the relationship between the stakeholders and the event producer; and (4) reflecting on the crisis that happened and learning from it so as to avoid or prepare for it in the future.