If We Build It They Will Come: The Role of Governance in Expansion Decisions at Crandall University
During the first decade of the 21st Century Crandall University, a private Christian liberal arts university in Moncton, NB, Canada experienced significant growth in terms of enrolment and governance structure. If We Build It They Will Come: The Role of Governance in Expansion Decisions at Crandall University examines the dilemma faced by one member of the University's Board of Governors as he seeks to determine how to deal with decisions made by the Board that he believes are not in keeping with the requirements of sound policy governance. The narrative traces the history of the adoption of the Carver model at the University, and examines the role played by the Board in a critical capital expansion decision in 2010. The reader is invited to consider the roles and responsibilities of board members both corporately and individually, and to evaluate the difference between fulfilling the mandate to govern and meddling in the affairs of management.