Assessing the Success of a Divine Plan: The Anglican Foundation of Canada's Strategic Priorities
It was April 2014 and Reverend Canon Dr. Judy Rois (Rois), CEO and Executive Director of the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC), was preparing for the upcoming Board meeting in May. At that meeting Rois intended to present a strategic measurement framework to align with AFC's strategic priorities. AFC's Strategic Roadmap for 2012-2017 was approved on May 31, 2012 and it outlined five priorities including, branding, marketing, funding for impact, operational adjustments and fundraising. While much had been accomplished in the last two years, Rois felt they needed to be more intentional in assessing the implementation of the plan and determining how best to allocate people, money and time resources to achieve the strategic priorities. She wanted to develop a measurement framework that would provide direction in determining how to allocate resources among the five priorities and permit a systematic evaluation of AFC's success moving forward for the last three years of the Roadmap.