Beetle Beats: Finding a SOUND Market for ADT
Dr. Richard Hofstetter was wondering what was to become of his acoustic disruption technology (ADT), a technology that used sounds to change behavior patterns of several species of wood boring beetles. Initial lab tests indicated that customized sounds would change the behavior of pine bark beetles in a way that would make the insects less likely to attack a tree and generally less likely to survive and reproduce. While the technology was not designed to protect large areas of forest, it represented an environmentally-friendly way to protect individual trees on private property or high-value trees within national forests, parks, or other public areas. Unfortunately, the technology languished in a university research lab, attracting some interest from potential customers but little financial support for the needed field-testing and development. Dr. Hofstetter was eager to begin field-testing and to gain support for the commercialization of an ADT device. However, future decisions hinged on some key questions: Was this target market large enough to attract funding from external parties? If so, was a focus on public, agricultural or private-land-owners the best bet for obtaining the cash needed to jump-start the project? What sort of proposal would be most attractive to potential investors?