Common Ground Coworking: Building a Sustainable Coworking Social Enterprise
This case illustrates the challenges, particularly cash flow, experienced by a team of entrepreneurs as they deal with startup issues in a coworking social enterprise, Common Ground Coworking (CGC). CGC is located in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador and was created to fill an important gap in the province's startup ecosystem by providing a flexible, affordable workspace for early-stage startups and independent professionals to build their businesses amongst the ideas, inspiration, and support of fellow like-minded professionals. As a social enterprise, CGC was structured similarly to a for-profit business, but its mission was social. Instead of paying dividends to owners/shareholders, profits would be reinvested to support better services/amenities for members. The case is set in August 2014 just four months after CGC's opening, as Executive Director, Jennifer Smith seeks to deal with financial issues that threaten CGS's future. She had to decide what solutions were best to address the immediate and long-term financial issues faced by the organization.