Keweenaw Mountain Lodge: An Opportunity Worth Pursuing?
Anna and Jack Oleson, long-time owners of a bridal and formal wear shop in a small community in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (U.P.), are contemplating making an offer to buy the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge (KML) property, located in Copper Harbor on the Keweenaw Peninsula. The property has been owned and operated by Keweenaw County since its beginnings in 1933, constructed under the Civil Works Administration and the Work Progress Administration during the Great Depression. Situated on 167 heavily-wooded acres in the northernmost part of Michigan, the facility includes a 6,000 square foot lodge built from logs and rough-cut stone, a banquet room and conference center, 24 rustic cabins, an eight-room motel, a nine-hole golf course, mountain biking and hiking trails, a tennis court, and disc golf. In 1970, the lodge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and in 1976, it was designated as a Michigan State Historic Site. Keweenaw Mountain Lodge, however, has not produced profits in several years. A consultant noted that while some repairs were needed (e.g., roof replacement/repairs, replacement of carpeting, installation of Wi-Fi), it has been a utilized for both hosting wedding receptions and as family vacation destination for Michiganders and other Midwesterners. The asking price for the property is $1.5 million. The Olesons, who are in their 70's in age, are considering selling the bridal shop and using proceeds towards purchasing the KML. The case provides a general overview of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and its unique culture, and the considerations involved in making a purchase decision - i.e., marketing, location and local demographics, marketing positioning, operations and management, succession planning, and financial valuation. It requires the reader to utilize the planning, analytical, and decision-making techniques of an entrepreneur investigating a new business opportunity. The case is designed to be used in a course in which students focus on small business management and business acquisition by means of purchase.