Cracking the Code at Coconut Calendar
The CEO of Coconut Calendar Corporation was dealing with the challenges of managing a growing scheduling software company. After attending a CEO 'boot camp', she realized that the company would be pushed out of the market by aggressive competitors if they did not grow more quickly. She accepted an offer of venture capital funding and mentorship from a well-known investor in Silicon Valley and started scaling the company at a rapid pace. The company served a broad range of business customers, from small businesses to large corporations across several industries, and started to diversify their product offerings to include data analytics and other application services. However, Coconut Calendar had experienced decreasing profitability while trying to grow revenue and serve a diverse customer base, recording their first ever annual loss. The CEO, and students, are faced with the challenge of developing a clear strategic and customer focus in order to be positioned to pursue another round of venture capital funding and successfully grow the business to maturity in a highly competitive marketplace. Issues related to small business growth and diversity issues in the technology industry are also explored.