Mixing Business and Friendship: A Complicated Employee Decision
This case describes a complicated employee decision experienced by entrepreneur, Sana Remekie, in mid-2019 after she opted to mix business and friendship. Sana was the CEO of Conscia Corporation, a tech company focused on knowledge management software solutions (i.e., the integration of disparate content from throughout an organization into a single, useable information hub). Sana recruited Caesar Martinez away from his previous employer to work as one of her Solution Architects. Sana hired Martinez in part because of their previous working relationship and subsequent friendship. Unfortunately, Martinez's performance did not meet Sana's expectations. Consequently, Sana was torn between her need for strong employee performance at her startup firm, and her longstanding friendship and feelings of personal responsibility for Martinez's career and well-being. To resolve this dilemma, students are put into Sana's shoes as they formulate and defend a course of action for deciding how to manage Martinez.