Scaling Columba Leadership's Impact
Rob Taylor, Founding Chairman, and Tracy Hackland, CEO of Columba Leadership, an award-winning South African non-profit organization, pondered a strategic question in March 2018. Columba Leadership was a non-profit values-based youth program that had facilitated individual change since 2009. By February 2018, Columba Leadership had organized 449 residential academy programs and graduated 5,211 high schoolers and 1,260 educators from 169 schools in some of the more disadvantaged areas. Columba Leadership had also pioneered the use of the Social Return on Investment methodology in South Africa. Columba Leadership's value proposition consisted of a six-day residential academy where high schoolers received training in 21st-Century leadership skills (critical thinking, leadership, problem-solving, communication, etc.) based on a framework of six values, including awareness, focus, creativity, integrity, perseverance, and service. Since its inception in 2009, Columba Leadership's focus had been on facilitating positive individual change. However, in 2017 Columba Leadership's executives observed how some schools, that they called "catalytic", had produced higher performance rates and the institutionalization of youth leadership after some of their students had attended Columbia Leadership academies. The systematic impact of these high schools prompted an internal reflection at the Board level, while the organization was also experiencing substantial pressure to change externally from funders. Should Columba Leadership keep its existing approach to youth development and focus on running more residential academies in a broader geographical area? Alternatively, was it time to re-evaluate the residential program and develop a more systemic approach that involved working more with schools in order to scale their impact? What were the key arguments in favor of the different approaches to scaling? What potential objections could the Board raise? The case enables instructors to introduce fundamental social impact concepts and frameworks, such as the Impact Business Model Canvas (IBMC), stakeholders, and scale and innovation.