LG Display Wroclaw: Creating a Workplace of Joy
This case highlights the initial challenges faced by LG Display when they opened a TFT-LCD Module Plant in Wroclaw, a small city in southern Poland approximately 340 km away from Warsaw. The Polish plant was important for LGD because it offered significant cutbacks in distribution costs. Furthermore, the geographical adjacency to target markets gave LGD a head start compared with the main competitors. The company had positive return on investment expectations from this plant. Soon the company started facing low employee productivity and high employee turnover due to cultural clashes between Korean managers and Polish workers. The results were exactly opposite to the initial expectations and the dream of making the polish plant a workplace of joy was shattered. This case shows the pressure faced by Ji-Hyung Kim, LG Display's country director of Poland plant, to improve the working culture of the plant in the next one year as his reputation and promotion was at stake. This case talks about some of the ideas that were considered to increase the cultural sensitivity among the two groups of employees and increase the employee engagement at work based on the employee satisfaction and engagement survey results and exit interviews.