Central Falls High School
This is a PELP case study. In the space of three months, all Central Falls High School staff had been publicly fired, told to reapply for their jobs, and then rehired. At the heart of the controversy were low student achievement scores and graduation rates; only seven percent of 11th grade students were proficient in math, 55 percent in reading, and the four-year graduation rate was 52 percent. Coinciding with the state's intense effort to win a share of the $4.35 billion in the federal government's Race to the Top (RTTT) education reform competition, the events were often portrayed in the national media as a fight between responsible reformers and self-interested unions. But, a closer look revealed a more complex situation. The requirements of a 1997 state law, which authorized the state commissioner to intervene in low-performing schools, appeared to conflict with the state's collective bargaining law, which required districts to negotiate with their teachers' union about hours, salary, working conditions, and all other terms of professional employment. The current union contract would not expire until August 2011. In addition, there was confusion about what the process of selecting an intervention model should involve and who from among the potential stakeholders-taxpayers, district administrators, state officials, the teachers' union, teachers, parents, students and others-should participate. The mass firing also raised the issue of whether staff were actually being fired or simply laid off, which had important consequences for the district's future obligations to former employees.