Cane Mutiny: Managing a Graying Workforce (Commentary for HBR Case Study)
For teaching purposes, this is the commentary-only version of the HBR case study. The case-only version is reprint R0510X. The complete case study and commentary is reprint R0510A. Frank Heberer, a human resources manager at Medignostics, has proposed a long-term HR strategy for the German midsize pharmaceutical company. All his research points to trouble on the horizon: In just 25 years, more than a quarter of the country's population will be over age 65. What will happen to the firm when workers start retiring in droves? How will it attract smart new hires from a much smaller talent pool? But the executive team is focused on cutting costs here and now. In fact, to save money, Medignostics recently withdrew from an early-retirement program sponsored by the German government. Meanwhile, age-related tensions at the company are growing. A 58-year-old account manager, angry about being forced to resume full-time hours and report to a jargon-happy tyke, has been taking lots of sick days and otherwise disengaging from his job. Heberer believes it is only a matter of time before other employees stage unofficial "strikes," too. Heberer is convinced that, for Medignostics to stay competitive, its leaders have to start thinking strategically about the demographic shift. He's trying to sound the alarm; he's even put together plans to create a child care center to help attract working parents--but his boss has summarily rejected the idea as a luxury Medignostics can't afford. How can Heberer persuade his boss and the other executives, all nearing retirement age themselves, to take the long view? Commenting on this fictional case study in R0510A and R0510Z are Norbert Herrmann, an HR consultant in Bad Endorf, Austria; Barbara D. Bovbjerg, the director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues at the U.S. Government Accountability Office in Washington, D.C.; Dietmar Martina, the director of Groupwide Performance Measurement at Deutsche Telekom in Bonn, Germany; and Eileen A. Kamerick, the CFO of Heidrick & Struggles International, headquartered in Chicago.