Nice Guy (HBR Case Study)
For teaching purposes, this is the case-only version of the HBR case study. The commentary-only version is reprint R0602Z. The complete case study and commentary is reprint R0602A. As Paul Kennedy sits in Cleveland's endless morning traffic, his thoughts are going in all sorts of directions, even if he's not. He's worried about his wife, who may be coming down with a cold right before their wedding anniversary. He's worried about the pitching and fielding assignments he'll have to make for tonight's Little League game. He's worried about the health of his boss, Larry, who recently had a heart attack. He's worried about his associate, Lisa, whose mother is ill and whose work is slipping. He's worried about the Cleveland Browns. He's excited too, though, about his plans to expand Daner Associates into Europe and the reorganization he's recommending, which would take a load off Larry by ceding day-to-day operations of the "new media" company to a new CEO--probably Paul, from all the hints he's heard. "I could swear Larry's been doing the nudge-nudge, wink-wink in my direction," Paul says to himself. And why not? He's been there for 10 years; he knows every facet of the operation. Customers, vendors, and employees love him. But when he meets with his boss that afternoon, Paul is in for a rude shock. Larry is considering hard-nosed George for the top slot and Paul for the No. 2 role. Paul has many of the right ingredients to be CEO, Larry explains, but he's got to get tougher. "What does that mean?" Paul thinks indignantly, back in traffic, on the way home that night. "Become an absolute jerk like George?" What can Paul do to show he's CEO material? In R0602A and R0602Z, four experts--Google CEO Eric Schmidt, author Stephen R. Covey, AVL North America CEO Don Manvel, and executive coach Maggie Craddock--comment on this fictional case study.