CEO Who Couldn't Keep His Foot out of His Mouth (HBR Case Study)
For teaching purposes, this is the case only version of the HBR case study. The commentary only version is reprint R0612Z. The complete case study and commentary is reprint R0612A. In the four years since Rob Miranda became CEO of Growing Places, a provider of on-site child care for companies in the Midwestern United States, he has been a font of ideas. For instance, he set up rooms where moms can breastfeed their babies during breaks in the workday and put Webcams in classrooms so that parents can "visit" their children from their desks. As a result of Rob's entrepreneurial vision and operational savvy, the company has achieved profitable growth. The problem is that Rob tends to stick his foot in his mouth. Evan Breyer, the company's founder and chairman, hopes that Rob will learn to avoid making verbal gaffes; he even gets Rob to see a coach. But while Evan is wrapping up a facility tour for a potential corporate sponsor of a scholarship program, Rob makes an insensitive remark about breastfeeding in front of the visitors--among them, a reporter. Not surprisingly, the local paper runs a scathing editorial the next day. Several days later, during a conference presentation on preschool curricula, he does it again with a comment implying that teachers are lazy and unprepared. The result is more bad press and a meaningful dip in stock price. It's beginning to look as though Rob is not going to change, and many board members are talking ouster. Should Evan try to persuade the board to hang on to Rob? Commenting on this fictional case study in R0612A and R0612Z are Ronald A. Heifetz, a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government; John H. Biggs, the former CEO of TIAA-CREF; Torie Clarke, a CNN analyst; and Roger Brown, a cofounder of Bright Horizons.