Why Didn't We Know? (HBR Case Study and Commentary)
Galvatrens, a consumer products company in Houston, has a whistle-blower's lawsuit on its hands. Mike Fields, a former divisional sales manager, claims that he was wrongfully terminated for trying to report an illegal scheme designed by a colleague to inflate numbers. He'd left the company's COO a confidential voice mail about it, but the COO referred the matter to Mike's boss rather than following up on it himself. Mike says his boss subsequently told him his performance wasn't up to snuff and he'd have to accept a demotion and a transfer if he wanted to stay with the company--knowing that Mike, a divorced father with joint custody of his kids, couldn't leave town. How could all of this have happened? Chip Brownlee, the CEO of Galvatrens, had taken steps a while back to upgrade the company's procedures for uncovering misconduct and solving conflicts. He and the general counsel had instituted a number of changes, including a new open-door policy for raising workplace concerns. Although the policy encouraged employees to go to their immediate supervisors, it emphasized that they could approach any manager at any level for assistance, and it included a ban on retaliation against whistle-blowers. Chip and the board need to figure out why, with all those channels in place, only one person came forward with information about the sales scheme--and why that person ended up suing the company. How should Galvatrens strengthen its system for uncovering misconduct, and what roles should the board and management play? Commenting on this fictional case study in R0704A and R0704Z are Stephen R. Hardis, the nonexecutive chairman of Marsh & McLennan; Hal Shear, the managing director of Board Assets; Mary Rowe, an ombudsperson for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Jackson W. Robinson, the founder and president of Winslow Management. This HBR Case Study includes both the case and the commentary. For teaching purposes, this reprint is also available in two other versions: case study-only, reprint R0704X, and commentary-only, R0704Z.