When You Shouldn't Go Global
This article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading. Firms with ill-considered globalization strategies, say Alexander and Korine of London Business School, are poised to become targets for breakup or overhaul by activist shareowners. Yet many businesses (particularly in deregulated, service, and manufacturing industries) have made complacent assumptions about the need to go global and moved full steam ahead toward failure. If they had paused to answer three simple questions, they might well have avoided their missteps. Are there potential benefits for our company? Moves that make sense for some firms won't necessarily work for others. UK-based roof tile maker Redland learned that lesson when it tried leveraging its technical know-how beyond its home market - without realizing that building practices in certain countries provided very little demand for concrete roof tiles. The company was fully able to transfer the relevant technology, but there was no value in doing so in those markets. Do we have the necessary management skills? Even if potential benefits do exist for a company, it may not be in a position to realize them. Although industrial conglomerate BTR had developed a presence in many countries, each business unit was run more or less autonomously. As its customers globalized, they came to expect coordinated supply and support across borders. BTR was well positioned to deliver, but its ingrained culture blocked attempts at global integration. Will the costs outweigh the benefits? Global efforts can be rendered counterproductive through unanticipated collateral damage. TCL, a Chinese maker of electronics and home appliances, has expanded rapidly into the United States and Europe through a series of acquisitions and joint ventures. Along the way, the company's infrastructure has become unwieldy; the cost of managing it has outweighed the benefits of increased scale and resulted in large losses.