Residential Child-Services Facility (A): A CEO'S Effort to Preserve Morale
In 2013, the new chief executive officer (CEO) of the Christian Children's Home of Florida (CCHF), a well-established, faith-based residential care facility for neglected and abused children, was in the process of seeking a deep understanding of the issues affecting company morale. The CEO had just received the field notes of an extensive qualitative research study of CCHF completed by a Master of Business Administration consulting team from a local university. She wanted to make her own assessment of the themes that were emerging from their data and identify any policies, procedures, or other recommendations that the data would suggest. With morale rumoured to have slipped prior to her appointment, and with employee turnover above industry norms, the new CEO felt that identifying and addressing needed changes was a priority. William A. Andrews is affiliated with Stetson University.