Inverroche Gin: Taking African Sophistication Global
The owner of Inverroche Distillery established a viable business incorporating fynbos, the unique flora growing around the remote community of Still Bay, South Africa, into her premium gins. She grew Inverroche Distillery into the dominant brand in the artisanal gin segment of the South African gin market and beyond. In 2018, she was facing key decisions about taking her business forward. Should she grow Inverroche Distillery by actively focusing on expanding her business internationally, or should she instead focus on growth in the domestic market? If she decided to go global, was the US market the best choice for expanding her business? If she were to enter the US market, what mode of entry would be most appropriate, taking Inverroche's firm-specific resources into account? Albert W cke and Danie Petzer are affiliated with University of Pretoria.