Indraprastha Gas Limited: Overcoming the Odd-Even Challenge
In late 2015, the government of Delhi, India, took a radical step to curb traffic congestion and pollution, by restricting the use of private automobile vehicles in Delhi's National Capital Region. Drivers of vehicles whose licence plate numbers ended in odd numbers would be able to drive only on odd-numbered days, and drivers of vehicles whose licence plate numbers ended in even numbers would be able to drive only on even-numbered days. All restrictions would be lifted on Sundays. The management of Indraprastha Gas Limited, Delhi's sole supplier of compressed natural gas, a safe, economical, and clean-burning fuel, needed to communicate the benefits of clean fuels, in an attempt to gain an exemption for vehicles using its compressed natural gas. The company also needed to address the concerns of both its internal stakeholders-shareholders and employees-and its external stakeholders-customers, suppliers, and policy-makers. Amandeep Singh Narang is affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Kashipur. Vivek Pani Gumparthi is affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Kashipur. Somnath Chakrabarti is affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Kashipur.