Tamul Plates Marketing: Channel Challenges for an Organic Product
In early January 2018, the chief executive officer and co-founder of Tamul Plates Marketing Private Limited had just confirmed the next round of much-needed funding. Having accomplished this goal, he was reassured that funding was taken care of until 2020. The funds would drive a long-awaited expansion and take the company to its next phase of growth. Although he had worked hard to refine the company's business model over the previous six to seven years, the co-founder was still working on fine tuning the company's distribution strategy. One challenge was how to expand distribution channels across India. Historically, more than 70 per cent of sales came from wholesalers. However, with increasing attention on building the brand, the co-founder worried that this approach might not work in the future. Rajesh Aithal is affiliated with Indian Institute of Management Lucknow.