In Search of the 'Right' Numbers: Navigating Professional Judgment Challenges in Accounting
In October 2001, the co-founder and vice-president of Veritas Investment Research Corporation (Veritas), was considering his next steps as he prepared to issue a highly critical report on Bombardier Inc. (Bombardier). The vice-president believed that Bombardier had relied upon accounting innovations rather than operating innovations in order to report accounting profits. While numerous issues concerned the vice-president, one of the most critical was the way the company had managed the relationships between its various operating segments. These issues had developed over recent years and threatened to increase following the business decisions in the wake of September 11, 2001, which had dramatically affected the sale of aircraft. The vice-president's investment report would have significant consequences for numerous stakeholders and would affect both his own and Veritas's reputations. How should Veritas interpret the various issues related to Bombardier's accounting and reporting choices?